간단하지만 iptables의 DNAT, SNAT 기능을 모두 사용해볼 수 있는 예제를 설명해보려 한다. 4 . node01은 iptables 규칙을 설정해 놓은 VM이고, node02는 nginx 서버를 실행하고 있다.

A DNAT allows a host on the “outside” to connect to a host on the “inside”. In both cases, the NAT has to maintain a connection table which tells the NAT where to route returning packets. An important difference between a SNAT and a DNAT is that a SNAT allows multiple hosts on the “inside” to get to any host on the “outside”. ネットワークでは避けて通れない NAT。 Network Address Translation を略したもので、文字通りアドレスの変換を行う。 NAT は SNAT/DNAT に分類され、 送信元アドレスを変換するのが SNAT。 送信先アドレスを変換するのが DNAT。 この技術が解決しようとしているのは プライベートアドレスとグローバル As mentioned earlier, iptables supports four general kinds of NAT: source NAT (SNAT); destination NAT (DNAT); masquerading (MASQUERADE), which is a specialized case of the SNAT implementation; and local port direction (REDIRECT) to the local host. Jul 13, 2020 · examples of SNAT, DNAT with iptables for Advantech, Conel routers, with comments (probably will work on other routers where iptables can be manipulated, care needs to be taken on applying these commands after reboot) - snat_dnat_advantech.md

Jul 14, 2016 · iptables-t nat-A PREROUTING-s DNAT--to-destination -t nat ( this where it happen as it translates the packet’s source field or destination field ) -A PREROUTING (append to PREROUTING chain )

Turning IPTables into a TCP load balancer for fun and

Sep 20, 2017

LinuxにおけるSNAT、DNATの設定方法について確認したのでメモ。 前提としては、NAT用ルータとしてではなくパケット送信する端末としての設定である。 よく使うことが想定されるのは[1-1]及び[2-1]で … SNATs and DNATs - Jeff Silverman's web page A DNAT allows a host on the “outside” to connect to a host on the “inside”. In both cases, the NAT has to maintain a connection table which tells the NAT where to route returning packets. An important difference between a SNAT and a DNAT is that a SNAT allows multiple hosts on the “inside” to get to any host on the “outside”.